"The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone." Exodus 18:18
"It is not good for the man to be alone." Genesis 2:18
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down, his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
"And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."
Hebrews 10:25 (NLT)
Alone. God's Word over and over shows us that we aren't meant to be alone. We were created out of relationship for relationship.
I need my husband to get me out of bed each morning to exercise; I wouldn't do it without him. I need my accountability partners' silent pressure to read my Bible each morning; I'd be even more inconsistent without them. I need my family's and friends' expectations to be at church each week; otherwise, I'd be tempted to stay home in my pjs or go hiking if the weather even hinted of niceness.
I need community. I need other people to encourage me to press on to do the right thing each and every day. I simply can't do this Jesus walk alone. I wasn't meant to.
And neither were you.

I encourage you to visit Internet Cafe Devotions for more Word-filled inspiration.

Amen, very wise, and true words sweetie.
I loved this post! We forget.... we get busy.. we work and work... and we forget that God made us to walk through life together!
Oh, good morning friend! I hope you have a great day!
It is so true, God made us to be in relationship in a variety of ways. When we are as an island, we won't grow spiritually or emotionally at all.
Lovely post, thank you!
Thank you for this reminder. It is my tendency to withdraw from this support system now and then...usually when I'm feeling hurt or vulnerable. Thank you for reminding me how necessary they are to my walk with Christ. Smiles and love to you today!
absolutely :) and i thank God for each and every one of the relationships that are in my life. even the ones that stress me out!
Yes, even in the messiness of relationships, He's designed relationships for our good. Blessings to you.
So true, GG!! Thanks for the gentle reminder. ;)
Have a blessed Wednesday, my friend!
Hard to work through sometimes as my life has been much the opposite except for brief times, but still He provides and I had a great day with Bible Study here today. It gives me both a chance to prepare something which I love and the chance for fellowship.
I have been home since May except for the odd day at the Dr...mainly to keep out of the winter and stay out of hospital........but it has made me more aware than usual of my aloneness. Plus my carer has been on 3 wks holiday ...she is back on Friday...and my handyman is away for a couple of months, but again God provided new people to fill those slots.
It is sometimes hard to read those words, believe them, but it is not my life....not what He has chosen for me. But then the word also says "that I may know Him and the fellowship of His sufferings" and despite being with crowds and the disciples, our Lord was very alone with His Father.
Ohhhhhh does this hit me where I am...we have recently made the decision to step away from the church we've been helping to start for the past 18 months for this very reason...community. It's been sad to see that in this plant church that the "community's" heart wasn't coming together...
We need it. We need it all the way around....relationships not religion...that's what Jesus preached...
Awesome message! :)
peace girl!
Amen! I am so thankful that we were not meant to live this life on our own!!!!!
What an insightful message!!!! I love it. Thanks. Goodness, I need you to help me keep a positive outlook from my slightly melancholy perch.
Love this!! No we weren't meant to go through this alone and I thank God He made it that way!! =)
SO true! We aren't meant to struggle on alone. "We were created out of relationship for relationship." Love that!
I feel so blessed to be married, when many women in our culture are not, and would like to be. We are like stone sharpening stone, especially when it comes to exercising... we both have to motivate each other!
Happy WFW!
You are so right. So often women try to do it all alone...like this life is a competition. It can get so catty and sad. We all need help, raising our kids, working, living, breathing....
It's so refreshing to know that we were never meant to do it alone.
Have a wonderful day!!
Very lovely insight. We aren't really meant to be alone.
Community, encouragement, the love of family and friends bring the greatest blessings to my life.
What perfect words to read early this morning! I'm so thankful I don't have to do this alone. Isn't it great to know God's got it all worked out?
Thank you for this beautifully worded reminder...I am an introverted "loner" that needs to remember these scripture admonitions....
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