She studies me. She literally sits at my feet as I go about my work of getting ready or grading a paper or fixing supper. She wants to be with me and soak me in.
But sometimes the results are less than perfect.
Jesus said to His followers, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:8).
He commended Mary for sitting at his feet and listening to what He said (Luke10:38-42). She was drinking in His words and knowing the Father through Him.
God asks us to do the same -- to look at His Son, the image of the invisible God, and know Him. He gives us Jesus, and says, "Know Me." We can study Him, sitting at His feet each day through the Word, through prayer, through music . . . and drink Him in.
And then we are asked as we get to know Him, to imitate Him. "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 5:1).
He knows our results will often be less than perfect -- that the mascara might wind up all over our face when we were aiming for the eye. He knows that we may say the wrong words, do the wrong things, love less than we should.
But He also knows with practice, we will look more and more like Christ, the exact representation of God, and we will be able to say as Paul did, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1).
And as we imitate Christ, others just might see Jesus and get to know our Father.

For more of the Word, visit Internet Cafe Devotions.

That's beautiful, and oh-oh-so true! We do make mistakes but it is often in the 'missing the mark', that we learn submission to Him, and His will.
Amen! Bless you this WFW...
i have "mascara" all over my face pretty much most of every day. thank goodness God loves me!! but i know that i need to try alot harder in my imitation because some days it's almost like the mascara hit the mark because i was just too lazy to go for the eyelashes. am i talking in complete riddle now??? ;)
and i love baby girl's pics....the only one i have of one of my kids looking like that is my son. and i promised my hubs that i would never publish it! lol
Wonderful sharing!! Very well said, and needed to hear this morning! Thanks so much for reminding me that we all make mistakes... continue to follow Him as I may stumble, but will not fall, b/c He upholds me with His hand! (see Prov. 37:24)
Hugs & Prayers, HL
Look at her with those gorgeous blue eyes!!!
GG, that is so true! Thanks for sharing!! You always have a way of drawing spiritual truth out of your every day Mommy moments! ;)
we have an add running for a stain remover that has mascara on Mum's new yellow shirt that he daughter is wearing.......LOL...
Your post reminds me...
But the point is so only do we have to be the best we can be because we will be watched and copied but we can only do that in His grace as His beauty rests upon us.
Such a true verse! I long to soak up His presence each and every morning!
Happy WFW! Have a great day!
wonderful insight! don't you love how our children teach us? thank you for these words today, and the reminder to sit at His feet and do everything we can (in His power) to be more like Him.
blessings in your day!
Precious, precious little one! She is getting prettier and prettier every much like you! What a wonderful example of our desire to sit at Jesus' feet and the results of our human efforts so many times! Yet...God sees those efforts as beautiful...just love that!
LOL, you make me laugh out loud! She's sooooo cute!
I really love your analogy. Very insightful. Jesus shows us the Father, and we can know Him by sitting at his feet. I have always identified more with Mary than Martha (although I do love to cook!). His Word is the source of life... and we can enjoy His abundance by taking it all in like your daughter does with you.
(Uh oh, Mascara is so messy!)
Hugs, e-Mom
You illustrated this scripture very well. God bless you and your young family :)
oh just precious.. and so true! i love it!
Ohhh, what adorable photos for such inspirational BIble verses. Thank you for a delightful Word-filled Wednesday!
Those pictures are precious. Enjoyed reading your devotional tonight.
Ah, such cute pics! Enjoyed your insight here. Very thought provoking post.
oh, I can't wait to be more like Him. matter of fact, I'm pretty much longing to be just like Him. right now. wish it wasn't so long and hard to wait...
amy in peru
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