There's always just one more thing
There's always another task
There's always "I just have one more small favor to ask"
And everything is urgent and everything is now
I wonder what would really happen if I stopped somehow
I'll be there in a minute
Just a few places to go
You wake up a few years later and your kids are grown
And everything is important
But everything is not
At the end of your life your relationships are all you've got
And love to me is when you put down that one more thing and say
I've got something better to do
And love to me is when you walk out on that one more thing and say
Nothing will come between me and you
Not even one thing
There will never be an end to
The request upon your time
It's your place to stand up and tell the world
You've got to rest awhile. . .
I'm putting down this one more thing called Sugar Tails. I have loved writing here. I've loved getting to "meet" new people. I've loved sharing my writing and finding that it resonates with some of you. I've loved adding images to my words and sharing part of my heart, but . . .
First of all, my heart belongs to God. My writing used to be only for Him. I miss that. I miss pouring my heart though pen solely for His eyes. I miss knowing for sure that it's still about Him first. And yes, I could turn off comments, but . . .
I'd still wonder, I think, if someone was reading. And wonder what they thought. And above all, I want to make sure that my identity is in my Savior and not in others' thoughts of me. Especially since I value your thoughts.
And one more (important and urgent) thing: my precious ones. My sugars. Because they are my something better. And I want nothing to come between them and me.
Let all you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14 (ESV)
Perhaps, I will have something to share again someday. For now, I need silence here so that this thing doesn't become that one more task, that one more thing. As Ann Voskamp said best, "It’s the words we’re writing on hearts that last forever." I put this down because right now that's love to me, and I love them. And Him. I want to live in love and write forever on their hearts. And to let Him write forever on mine.
For every word of encouragement and kindness you have gifted to me, I am forever blessed. Thank you.
May the blessings return to you, my friends.

Good for you for putting God and family first and letting this go so you can focus more on them. I'm sure it is difficult because of all the work you have put into this. I for one will miss your blog, but Kudos to you for letting it go for now. It was considerate of you to let us know of your decision to quit blogging.
i will miss your words and inspiration. but, i can't rely on you to get me through the day. i need to be delving into the Word for myself! thank you for your kindness and support...and way to go to realize what you need and to follow through on it! thank you for sharing with us all....and may God bless you.
I certainly understand, but will miss your good writing and wonderful photography. Come visit.
Lynda Smith
Oh, you will surely be missed! I understand though.
Well, I have to say I will miss reading your thoughts in your posts and getting to know you a little better. I believe that the Lord has given us all small amounts of time and how we chose to spend that time is what really matters. May God bless you as you have chosen the best over the better and the good.
I will miss your inspiration and understand why you are leaving. Thanks!
Aww, you'll definitely be missed but nothing is more important than following His leading. You have such a beautiful way with words.
I speak for many when I say that you have touched and blessed in Jesus' name...we have been the recipients, I have been the recipient and am grateful to God for that...
Sara Groves words resonate. We have one life, one legacy and in looking inward, it all must be for Him...and that which is not, must be laid down...I admire you for going inward to see where you need to be moving...
girl, you will be missed...enjoy those babies and live to leave the legacy that you were intended to leave!
blessings and always peace,
You will be missed, but I'm so glad to see your sensitivity to the Lord's leading in your life! Loved getting to know you through your blog over the last year or so! Blessings!
I completely understand, but I will miss you, GG!!! Blessings to you as you seek Him and snuggle those little ones ... they are growing fast!! Love you!
I imagine that this can be a difficult decision, but following the Lord's leading is always the right thing to do. Blessings on you!
I will miss your words and how they inspire me, but understand where you are coming from. Many, many blessings to you and your beautiful family!
Blessings to you!!
Take care! Thank you for your encouragement and honesty!
That is so beautifully put. I am sorry that your inspiring words will no longer be plastered across that super cute blogspot, but I completely understand. I have felt the same way off and on. Soemtimes we need to get back to the basics where its just us and God, no computer, no comments to wonder about... just the simplicity of a love relationship with our maker. I love how you put into words what I already feel too. Blessings, Kelli
I'm with you friend. :)
finding it absolutely necessary to concentrate more fully on the ever changing now.
amy in peru
Wow, what you are doing is the very thing I am praying about. I'm a mom of 3 and I homeschool and I'm struggling to keep afloat. I wonder if even though writing the blog is where God speaks right to me if it's something I should stop... after all He is God and He will get my attention another way,right?! Thank you, I know how hard it is. It's also going to be very freeing. Be blessed!
Thanks for sharing your life with us through your blog. You will be missed, SugarTails!
Warm Hugs 'n Blessings,
e-Mom ღ
I totally understand why you're doing it, but I'm still sad! I loved reading what you had to say!!!!!
God bless you and praise God that you are sensitive to His leading!
Blessings, you will be missed but I miss my ability to kneel which is where I would lay my Bible and notebooks on the bed and write...poetry and prayers and just the outpouring of my heart.
Thanks for your prayers for our shocking flooded areas. It is difficult to feel grateful for the rain we are getting in right proportions here after 9 yrs of drought.
You have chosen well. I love the quote from Ann that the only words that last are the words we have written on their hearts (I didn't use quotes because I'm not sure I quoted her accurately).
But know you and your heartfelt words and wisdom will be missed. I'm glad I had the opportunity to get to know you.
Continue to grow in Him and write for Him. Continue to bless your family with your heart.
I will miss reading your inspirational posts. May He richly bless you as you step out in obedience to His calling.
Thank you for all the words of affirmation and the heaps upon heaps of blessings. I will miss you all! You make it difficult to leave.
I will miss your thoughts and your words, but applaud your courageous faith in hearkening to the Voice you're hearing in your heart.
Love and enjoy your sugars - and I hope we meet again sometime here in Blog Land.
Well good for you! You actually did it. You and I have been talking about that here and there for months now. It seems I have almost forgotten blogging entirely. It's been nice.
I'm sure you'll find even more fulfillment in the other ways you spend your time.
So full of God's wisdom and we've said before, we have the hope of eternity to nurture our friendship, what a beautiful thing to look forward to!
i will miss you too! way back when i first started blogging last april(at my old blog called journal to bliss), i found your place here, because i was searching out blogs written by women who were very clear on what they believed in, because i was a new christian and wanted to learn from them. i want you to know...that you were a very good teacher. you were one of the few that i found, that i think truly represented what a wonderful christian woman/mother really is. i think i may have read your every single post. you have blessed so many of us out here in blog land! xoxo
I was teaching in our college ministry a program I had developed - and a student in that program had recently dropped out of college, dropped out of her dream since she was a child to be a nutritionist because she had found Jesus and wanted to be a missionary for Him - because the church high-lighted the far-away mission field, not really high-lighting the mission field, say in the nutritionists office and outreach area. It didn't dawn on her that God had planted that mission field within her when she was a child.
Your blog has blessed me. Our comments opened a dialoge that encouraged me during a very difficult time in my life. I appreciate your time, your lifting me up when I was down. Parenting is a hard job. I don't think of comments so much as an ego stroke, though they could be. I look at many of them as people God has placed within our paths that develop relationships that encourage our relationship with God and with each other. And those outside the blogahood.
Be blessed in your journey - and I look forward hearing those tales and those messages one day when God releases you to come back!
Miss you already, sweet one...
Natalie at Mommy on Fire
Just stopping by to let you know I'm thinking of you:) May your upcoming spring be full of joy and blessing!
I was just a "guest" reader, visiting once in a while. But I thought you had a great blog and wrote good things. But we must prioritize, and on the scale of many of the responsibilities we have in life, blogging is not one of the hightest. Best to you and pray your time away blesses your family life.
Family Fountain
You are a good and wise person and you speak words that mean alot to alot of people. For me, I sometimes find it hard to believe all the time, just from things that have happened to me, but for some reason you and your blog always had such great messages. You and your family take care and whatever you are doing, I am sure you are doing a great job at it.
Thanks, Scott
Wow! So I want to let you know your words are STILL making a difference, even though you are no longer blogging here. I was at a women's retreat this weekend at my church, Beth Moore's "Measureless Love" and my google search for more material led me to your blog! I have enjoyed reading through some of your posts and your convictions, and you've encouraged me!! Thank you for your heart. Blessings to you from a blogger in Wisconsin.
Thank you, Tracy M. What a pleasant surprise. Your being blessed, blessed me! :)
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