The door is in sight, and I slow slightly as I watch the boys slip safely indoors. And then I slip too. I slip and sliiiiiide as in slow motion I realize the river of water has puddled inside as well. I scramble to break Baby Girl's fall as I sprawl on wet concrete. She cries as she bounces off of me and into the small pond that is the indoors.
Some falls are private. We trip up the stairs, carrying a basket too heavily-laden with piled up laundry. No one is there to watch the clumsy mess.
Some falls are private. We inwardly wrestle with ungracious thoughts. We struggle with jealousy, bitterness, anger, laziness, selfishness.
Some falls are public. They leave us with a limp and a wet backside for all to see.
Some falls are public. We gossip, are rude or impatient with others, brag about accomplishments, get caught in dishonesty.
Private or public, all falls hurt eventually. If our conscious allows, they leave us sore and and regretful. And our hearts stiffen over time if we don't allow the Spirit's work in our lives.
But if we do allow, grace will cover all falls.
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23
After picking up Baby Girl from the puddle, I turn the corner to see my dad. I explain what happened, and he mops up the problem. Grace, you see. It wasn't his mess, it wasn't his impatient-with-waiting, foolish running in the rain.
God has done, does, and will do the same.
Fall into His Grace.

Gifts of Grace #151 - 167 :
God's grace to forgive and redeem
bruises heal
fun at the county fair
pork chops
hand-dipped ice cream cones
fresh-from-our-garden corn-on-the-cob
the first ripe tomato
the first cucumbers
Baby Girl carrying her baby girls
playing farmer
nothing went wrong
my mom and dad back safe from vacation
good books
accountability partners
the Psalms
clean sheets

i have alot of private and public falls....both literally (apparently i'm uncoordinated...who knew?!?!) and spiritually (which i hate hate hate.....why are bad habits so hard to break??). i'm writing down this verse as a always, thank you for posting exactly what i need to read!! :)
This is such a great post! A good reminder to 'keep our accounts short!' with God, rather than building up that wall of bitterness, anger, and other sinfulness that only destroys us.
Public falls are never fun, but thankful with you for gracious earthly and heavenly Father's.
this post almost gives me chills. i've fallen... privately and publicly both, and i know that the inside bruises wound as deeply as the superficial ones. oh, for grace that delivers!!!
and he Mops us up, yes!!!
i love these words today.
Hand dipped ice cream cones make everything better.
Lovely words that paint a picture of grace!
Thanks for sharing,
from the Gratitude Community
What a great visual picture. Yes, all falls hurt - big, small, public, private, physical, spiritual. Thankfully, we have someone greater than us who loves us unconditionally.
Have a blessed day!
Beautiful post about grace - so truly pictured and stated - thank you for this heart warming post today.
Beautifully written and so so true. Wow, so many blessings I have seen today. God is so good! Dropping by from the Gratitude Community - and so happy you stopped by my blog -
God bless!
Oh, that wonderful grace is so aptly described as amazing...
This was a great post...glad little miss blue eyes was ok from the fall...and her mom, too...
I just happened to stop by today and LOVED your post so I wanted to comment! You almost made me cry!! Ohh how I love grace too!!! Thank you for sharing your heart with us today!:)
Angela (from Good Morning Girls)
I'm glad you and your little girl weren't seriously hurt! I actually cracked my tailbone from a literal fall before, but the spiritual and emotional falls I've experienced were even more painful for me. I appreciate your metaphor of falling into grace.
Thanks so much for your kind words, friends new and old!
Outrageous!!!! This post is superb. You make me teary... and speechless. Well, almost...
I loved this especially: Baby Girl carrying her baby girls
this is a fantastic meditation. lovely.
we've been enjoying the fruits of our garden and a fire dept fair here, too. it's a great season.
grace and peace
Love those first veggies and hand-dipped ice cream cones. ~M
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