Second grade changed everything. I walked through the basement door of the old school building to one of my favorite years of all. I learned math rhymes and how to write in cursive. I did a book report on Hawaii and got to reach into the grab bag. I recited "how now brown cow" and went next door for some Spanish. Most of all, I loved my teacher. She was also my dad's sister.
From that time on, I wanted to be a teacher too.
I pursued my dream of teaching, even attending the same school that my aunt and my cousin, her daughter, had attended. I loved every minute of planning lessons and preparing bulletin boards. In the middle of my college years, I married and switched schools, but continued on the four-year plan to get my degree. I was blessed with an awesome student-teaching mentor and finished my college career on a Friday in May. I found out that Saturday that I didn't have the flu. I was expecting. A baby.
My plans changed.
I have never stepped foot in my own classroom as a public school teacher. I chose the path of stay-at-home mom as my own mom did and blessed me by so doing. Instead of leaving every day to teach others' children, I walk into my kitchen to teach my own.
I never wanted to be a home educator. I never aspired to journaling publicly. I never expected to lead women in Bible study. I never thought that there would be days when my children would leave me at wit's end. My life isn't what I expected, and as I recently told my sis, "It's not what I signed up for."
"It's what they, your husband and kids, signed you up for," she replied, "when you weren't looking."
Even while I laughed at this, it led me to this whisper, "It's what I signed you up for."
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD . . . " (Jeremiah 29:11).
The Lord has a plan. For me. For you.
And though it may not be just what we expected, it is worth signing up for.

Continuing the count of blessings heaped within His plan #322 - 340:
Baby Girl in her nightgown all morning long
daily aerobics with The Stinker and The Princess (sooooo funny)
silent giggles
she dances
second chances
Sunday afternoon naps
growing older alongside the one I love
apple pie
answered prayers
a good Bible study
people who really do care
Fall is here! Fall is here! Fall is here!
the leaves are changing
October means Christmas carols, yes it does
an old and unexpected song in the morning to remind me
a great end to the soccer season
a fun fall festival at a new school
a tree skirt with The Thinker's handprint on it

Oh what a great way to think of it! I can almost imagine Him grinning cheekily as He tells me "but this is what I signed you up for!"
Thanks you for such a timely reminder...
Oh! So glad to have found you! I, too, make the commute to my kitchen table each morning and am blessed to have been signed up for a life I'd never imagined. Beautiful reminder that His plans are bigger, better than ours...I loved this post and I am looking forward to spending more time here!
Great list! :)
beautiful! thanks for stopping by my blog :)
It's what HE signed me up for....I am going to post that in my home. I have been so discontent...because...all of this...not what I signed up for...but His plans are always better. Thank you and blessed to be in community with you.
So the words this mom needed to hear today - "The Lord has a plan." Thank you!
I wonder if she realizes how many of us she inspired to be teachers. I dearly wish our school was still standing or that there was a school similar up here. I would love for WeeMan to climb those stairs and smell all the smells. We don't even have fall festivals at our schools up here!! Can you imagine!
Isn't it amazing how our plans that we start out with when we're young are changed and guided and shaped to the life we live today?
Enjoyed your post! Having kids changes everything... for the good!
You may not have signed up for it, but you sure do it well. Yes, he always had this in mind for you. Your post was a blessing.
I had to laugh at your 'not what I signed up for' comment. I find myself doing that too, espcecially when my boys throw me a curve ball... But you are right, it is what HE signed us up for and I'm so very grateful for that! :)
I taught for one year and came home for good to be with my kiddos! :o)
Teaching our babies is a privilege! I'm sure your sweet kiddos are glad YOU got signed up!
Beautiful, GG ... as always!! ;)
It's not really what I signed up for, either ... BUT He was faithful and changed my heart! Now I wouldn't have it any other way!
I was just talking to my mom about that same 2nd grade teacher who taught me a math rhyme that I'm now teaching to my 1st grader. So many fond memories of the school, the teachers, and friendships that truly have lasted a lifetime and spanned the country.
What a beautiful reflection and list! I join you in giving thanks for fall, a good bible study and people who really do care!
Cool post, "not what I signed up for." God does have a way of "recruiting" us to his plans if we are open to his leading.
I have a daughter that is student teaching this semester. That is a great profession, but so is being home with the kids, as my wife did, and my daughter plans to do when the day comes.
Good post on moving with God's flow for our lives.
And a note ... even though you did plan on being a writer, you do a good job of writing.
wonderful list. Thanks for sharing your heart. :)
it's been TOO long since I've been over here! this is a sweet post and I love it :)
thanks for sharing your sweet heart.
amy in peru
I love being the student-teacher that God has called me to be as well! Though it is definitely not what I had planned either!
His thoughts are higher than ours, His ways infinitely better-- I wouldn't change a thing!
Thanks for sharing!
ActiveMama, we were blessed! I love that school and wish I could send my own kiddos there.
Now i was supposed to commenting on your WFW post but the title of this one stole my attention. Although I'm not a parent but I certainly can relate to life doing a switch-a-roo on you. I so needed this remember that He does have a plan!
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