There's always just one more thing
There's always another task
There's always "I just have one more small favor to ask"
And everything is urgent and everything is now
I wonder what would really happen if I stopped somehow
I'll be there in a minute
Just a few places to go
You wake up a few years later and your kids are grown
And everything is important
But everything is not
At the end of your life your relationships are all you've got
And love to me is when you put down that one more thing and say
I've got something better to do
And love to me is when you walk out on that one more thing and say
Nothing will come between me and you
Not even one thing
There will never be an end to
The request upon your time
It's your place to stand up and tell the world
You've got to rest awhile. . .
I'm putting down this one more thing called Sugar Tails. I have loved writing here. I've loved getting to "meet" new people. I've loved sharing my writing and finding that it resonates with some of you. I've loved adding images to my words and sharing part of my heart, but . . .
First of all, my heart belongs to God. My writing used to be only for Him. I miss that. I miss pouring my heart though pen solely for His eyes. I miss knowing for sure that it's still about Him first. And yes, I could turn off comments, but . . .
I'd still wonder, I think, if someone was reading. And wonder what they thought. And above all, I want to make sure that my identity is in my Savior and not in others' thoughts of me. Especially since I value your thoughts.
And one more (important and urgent) thing: my precious ones. My sugars. Because they are my something better. And I want nothing to come between them and me.
Let all you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14 (ESV)
Perhaps, I will have something to share again someday. For now, I need silence here so that this thing doesn't become that one more task, that one more thing. As Ann Voskamp said best, "It’s the words we’re writing on hearts that last forever." I put this down because right now that's love to me, and I love them. And Him. I want to live in love and write forever on their hearts. And to let Him write forever on mine.
For every word of encouragement and kindness you have gifted to me, I am forever blessed. Thank you.
May the blessings return to you, my friends.