and making it special.
There is something almost magical about taking something that is almost nothing . . . .
When we create, I think we feel a bit of that satisfaction that the Creator might feel when He looks at us as we grow and mature. I picture the smile on His face as He works in us and through us, as He molds us from meaningless and gives us purpose.
If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. That's to prevent anyone from confusing God's incomparable power with us. As it is, there's not much chance of that. You know for yourselves that we're not much to look at.
2 Corinthians 4:7-8, The Message
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
We are His. His creation. His handiwork. Made for His own pleasure. (Ephesians 1:5)
God saw all the He had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31
He made us well.
He makes us good.

Counting ordinary and not-so-ordinary gifts #483 - 510:
helping The Stinker create Christmas crafts
things that sparkle . . .
including The Stinker's smile as he makes special
a house transformed
a heart transformed
ears to hear
God speaks
poinsettias, pink and red
a drive to see Christmas lights
singing carols in the car
Rudolph and Prancer
silver bells
a first good snowfall
a world transformed
Baby Girl's first real snow experience
her excitement
her tantrum because she didn't want to stop playing
snow boots
tiny mittens
big brothers' snow fights
my mom's handiwork hung on the mantle
my best friend's newborn baby GIRL! (after two boys)
new life in the dark days of winter
Immanuel, God with us
The Creator stepping into creation
over half-way to 1,000 gifts and still amazed at how many blessings there are to count

What a glorious post. I love this message for Monday. It helped me take off my grumpy glasses and put on my sparkling pair instead.
Thank you.
So true! Love the crafts!
"God makes our lives beautiful"...and isn't it awe inspiring how He does it through His marvelous grace? I enjoyed your list of both the ordinary and not so ordinary gifts He bestows upon you!
Love, love, love this post! And thanks so much for your kind comment at my place!
He made us well...
needed to hear that today, thanks for sharing and for stopping by to comment on my blog!
love the crafts! It all looks like so much fun! Beautiful truth too... written and lived out by you!
Thanks for sharing!
Great List!! I love the ornament craft... might have to try that with my kiddos.
Thanks for sharing with a visitor from Holy Experience.
So many gifts! Thank you for bringing the Christmas spirit out in your list :) And for your visit to my place today!
i used to love making those string ornaments...thanks for the reminder of something in my past that gave me great joy! and i am SO glad that God can take my life and make something beautiful out of it. it truly amazes me what He can do. we were talking in church on Sunday about how God wants us right where we are in life. we don't have to clean up....we don't have to "get right"....and we don't have to be fancy to come to Him. He wants us just as we are....and He'll make us into something beautiful :) as always....thanks for the reminder!
How fun! What a crafty little family you have!!
I am blessed by your thankful thoughts. And I share in your gratitude that God chose to make something special out of the ordinariness of my life.
May He continue to bless you and your family - and may He teach all of us how to be transformed...
OMG how festive and fun.
I love this list....I am new to your blog and am so glad I found it! I look forward to following your adventures.
Great list! I appreciate how you included your daughter's tantrum along with her excitement ... truly, we give thanks "in everything."
Those are beautiful! And I bet the kids had a blast making them!!
So much to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing your growing list with us each week, GG! Your pictures are lovely, too - yeah for Christmas bokeh!! ;)
how lovely and filigran those bowls (not sure if this is the right word..) are and i love singing christmas carols in the car...
What a joy to see marvel in creativity as we are made in the image of a miraculously creative God.
Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip my toes.
I am grinning from ear to ear after reading this sweet sharing...
I LOVED this part:
"He made us well.
He makes us good."
Christmas is a time for crafting... and look what you've created! Totally impressed.
When our kids were younger I held children's Arts & Craft classes (in our basement studio). We always had the most fun at Christmas. And fabric glue in the gold bottle... I still keep a bottle of that on hand!
You're making some good memories for your family. Enjoy every minute!
Thank you for showing all of this beauty, and I like your blog theme, so I am your newest follower.
I think I will be no. 201, and my own blog is getting close to 200 followers.
thanks for visiting my blog! love your post, craft and bokeh pictures! happy holidays!
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