I made cake pops with some helpful tips from Alyssa at Loving Life 365. (They turned out much better than last time.)
I baked gingersnaps and dipped them in white chocolate. Mmmmm.
I decorated sparkling sour cream sugar cookies.
I stirred together a marbled chocolate bark recipe.
I whipped up chocolate covered cheesecake squares and maple sugar candy.
I served, among several other things, cheese and crackers, bacon-wrapped jalapenos, veggies and dip, and gingerbread men with a pumpkin dip (thanks to a good friend). The table was full, and that night, so was my house. It was wonderful.
We ate the yummies, shared lots of laughter, played for a prize, exchanged ornaments.
And cookies.
The fellowship was delicious.
And then it was over.
There are just a few days left of Advent. A few more days of lighting hope, love, peace and joy until the light of the Christ child flames. There are just a few days left of baking and wrapping and secretive smiles and whispered conversations.
And then it will be over.
The lights will come down, the presents will be put away, the ornaments that mean so much stored for another year. The anticipation of Christmas packed away.
But not the anticipation of the Christ.
I still wait for Him. And I will keep Christmas.
"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:12-13
Come, Lord Jesus.
Keeping Christmas by counting gifts #530 - 550:
beautiful cookies brought by beautiful women
beautiful cookies brought by beautiful women
Christmas joy
hugs and laughter
sparkling glass dishes
red candles in white snow
a snow day for The Thinker
the question, "Mom, can we pray?"
holding a newborn baby
playing in the snow with my children and my best friend's boys
holding a newborn baby
playing in the snow with my children and my best friend's boys
safely driving on the white stuff
trees laced with snow
The Stinker's first public piano performance
glittering cattails on a frozen pond
finding the perfect tree with my mom and dad
glittering cattails on a frozen pond
finding the perfect tree with my mom and dad

What an awesome list to be thankful for. We are so truly blessed. I am looking forward to that second coming! What a glorious day that will be! Merry Christmas!!
What a great post!
Merry Christmas!!!
Beautiful post! I've seriously been slacking as far as the baking goes this year. Guess I know what I'll be doing this week after school gets out tomorrow. It was great to see you on Sunday. Such beautiful things were said about dad - it's wonderful to have been raised in a such a loving church and it feels good to go home - even if it's only for a short visit.
Coming over from A Holy Experience ... fun to read your list, and to see your beautiful photos! And fun to see that you use the recipe, Chocolate-covered Cheesecake Squares, too! That is already on my list to make today ... we love those!
Wow! You are amazing, GG!! All those treats look so yummy, too! ;)
Love your list (as always) and your words that point us to Jesus even after this week has past. Thank you, friend!
Merry Christmas! :)
Wow. What a beautiful post. Jesus IS the reason, may we never lose sight of that :) Loved the pics of your goodies too. I love to bake & the first chocolate dipped cookie looked like one I may have to try. I am a new follower and look forward to more.
Beautiful words and beautiful pictures - what a beautiful post.
Visiting from Ann's...what a great post. Your bokeh pictures are beautiful!
Um...cake pops?!?! Do those ship well?? ;)
Wonderful post, a great reminder and so true!
Hoping and praying your head has felt much better as of late!!
Delicious! The goodies, the photos, and the words.
Thank you for this sparkling touch of Christmas! Hope I get the wrapping done! Would love to have time to bake :)
Merry Christmas,
what yummy looking cookies!! Your house must smell great now!! Loved the pics :) What a fun time of preparing for the celebration of Christ's first coming!
Merry Christmas!!
first of all....SUPER jealous over all of your baked goods! i'm just hoping to be able to throw some premade cookies onto a plate for santa.
second....also jealous because of the beautiful snow. i've lived where it snows before and i know the pain that it can be, but still. it's just so pretty. we just get the freezing cold temps....but no snow :(
third...and MOST important, thanks you for the link to the sermon. we should all focus on keeping Christmas!!
What a beautiful post! I love the thought: "Keep Christmas" And wow what talent you have in cooking!!! I homeschool two boys as well . . . what a challenge AND a great joy! LOL So glad you found my blog so that I could find yours! Praying you have a wonderful Christmas filled with Christ's "Presence!"
In Him,
What a beautiful and delicious post!
I'm inspired to keep baking today...
So many gifts! How wonderful that you had the opportunity to visit the Creation Museum. Would love to make our way there sometime!
And my big boy is dying for some white stuff to fall here! He would love these photos :)
What a beautiful post!! Gorgeous cookies and wonderful 'gifts'! I love, love, love that verse!!! I am anxiously awaiting His return!! I hope you have a very Blessed Christmas!
How delightful! Thanks for sharing.
Really lovely!
Boy oh boy - I want to be eating at your house!! I could practically taste the yummies you made. The pictures were wonderful, too - thanks for sharing.
And yes, I still wait for the return of Jesus - the One who promised to come back...and He will.
Merry CHRISTmas - may it truly be WONDER-full for you and yours!
beautiful thoughts, beautiful list, and your baking is making me very hungry :)
blessings to you and yours
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