1 a (1) : an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable (2) : the process of receding from a position or state attained
It is time for me to withdraw from this position in front of my computer screen. It's not that it's a dangerous place so much (although it can be). It's usually easy and agreeable, but I have heard a signal.
b (2) : a signal for retreating
I'm being called away for a short time . . . a couple of weeks perhaps, or three. I'm going to rest, to renew, to enjoy, to live, to learn, to refresh. My home (without time in front of the screen) and the big outdoors will be 2 : a place of privacy or safety : a refuge. They will be my retreat.
3 : a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director
I will read my Bible and some great books. I'll play with my children. I'll go for walks. I'll relax at the beach. I'll hike, I'll swim, I'll craft, I'll nap. I'll talk to the Director of my steps . . . my Refuge . . . my Strong Fortress.
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
~Psalm 18:2
I retreat because I am weak. There is strength in rest. There is nourishment in starving the now, in starving the self that likes affirmation, in starving immediacy. There is strength in receding from the position you are in when you are headed to The Rock.
May you have a time to do the same.
This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength." ~ Isaiah 30:15

Visit Internet Cafe Devotions for more Word-Filled inspiration.

Everyone needs a rest! Will miss reading your blog while you are gone, but look forward to having you come back renewed!
Have a lovely retreat
Enjoy your retreat time! Will miss your beautiful words but I'll be here when you return. God bless you, my friend!
Awesome word! Praying God will met you in your special time away.
You'll be missed, but enjoy!!
Blessings to you this WFW♥
May we be renewed by retreating from time to time from worries of the world and know that God is God.
Have a blessed time away. Will pray for you to be refreshed and renewed. It is wonderful to step away from time to time. Enjoy it!
Wonderful post! As sinners saved by grace, we still often try everything on our own strength and avoid 'repentance,' which is what God wants. Repentance and obedience.
Have a wonderful "retreat"!! =)
Enjoy your rest :)
Have a great time!!! Thank you for your friendship, and for setting the standards so high. Will look forward to hearing your "vacation stories".
"I retreat because I am weak. There is strength in rest. There is nourishment in starving the now, in starving the self that likes affirmation, in starving immediacy. There is strength in receding from the position you are in when you are headed to The Rock."
These are wise words indeed...stepping away. Enjoy the retreat. Be renewed and refreshed!
What a wonderful photo and such an encouraging Scripture - definitely one of my favorite of the promises of God in the Bible. Thank you for a great start to the day! :)
Enjoy your time of retreat! We'll be here when you get back.
I am not far behind you, girl! I'm going to be retreating soon, too. What a wise soul you are - to listen to your heart, your God, your soul. Retreat, dear one, and know that we will all be here when you are ready to come back. You will be missed but we all understand and as I said, I'm going to be joining you soon! :)
Natalie at Mommy on Fire
Marvellous! Enjoy yourself. Summer is for treating yourself to a retreat... :~D
(((Hugs))) e-Mom
Enjoy your time away, God will be faithful to restore and renew! Can't wait to hear what He shows you!
Enjoy your time away, God will be faithful to restore and renew! Can't wait to hear what He shows you!
Enjoy your retreat and come back with new strength! Will miss you!
But you are right - spending too much time in front of the computer and blogging and reading blogs can wear you out.
Ahh, wonderful words of wisdom for us all. We can only give up what has been poured in. Isaiah 30:15 was a scripture of meditation and comfort for me just a little while ago. Hope you enjoy your time away and come more refreshed from being in His presence and in the presence of those you love.
Blessing to you,
May your retreat fill your spirit and fill you with blessings
Praying for you as you take some time to be refreshed and renewed.
Praying for you ~ the you will be refreshed and strengthened ~
This is wonderful insight. Needed to hear it!!!
God bless, keep and be with you!!!
Enjoy your rest, my friend!
I am so thankful to be able to stand upon the solid Rock. God never changes... He is constant, He is faithful!
Oh, to rest in Him - so refreshing! So rejuvenating! Enjoy your family, your books, your time with the Father - and laugh!Lots of laughter and joy!Your post is an affirmation! Be blessed!
You'll be missed, and I look forward to the day you are renewed and rested! Blessings, Monica
Sounds like a beautiful journey. Be blessed in your sojourn. :)
Hope your retreat is going well, and that you're soaking in some good resting time! I miss hearing from you in the bloggy world :)
Good for you to know when you need to be replensihed.... Very inspiring and real. Enjoy your peace and much needed break.
ahhh...so awesome. i am really excited for you and know our God is going to meet you in incredible ways. i have missed you! so much love to you!
Great words! Retreats are a must...especially when He schedules them....
I hope your re-treat was re-freshing!
I have an award for you over at my place. Come on by for a visit and pick it up!
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